6th March is an important day for the anyone connected in some way with Lymphoedema.  Either someone afflicted by it or one of the few but brilliant medical people and nurses helping to manage it for their patients and the even more scarce doctors and research scientists involved trying to find a desperately needed cure.

On the evening the Hoad Monument in Ulverston is illuminated in blue by the MARL team to mark World Lymphoedema Day.

blu hoad.jpg

Help fund vital lymphoedema research

This year MARL is getting involved to support Lymphoedema Research and awareness of the disease, as both initiatives need much more emphasis.

Lymphoedema is thought to affect over 200,000 people in the UK and occurs when the lymphatic system, the body's system of drainage and recycling for fighting infection, doesn't function correctly.  For those affected, infections can become a life threatening complication.

We still have a poor understanding of the lymphatic system due to a lack of funding for adequate research.  The Lymphoedema Research Fund, by the St George's Hospital Charity, aims to address this urgent need for research funding for lymphatic diseases.

Read more about the issue and how your support can help

On 20th April, Gemma Levine is presenting an audience with Sir Karl Jenkins and Lady Carol Jenkins in aid of Lymphoedema research at St George's Hospital Charity, to be held at the Angela Burgess Recital Hall at the Royal Academy of Music.  In December 2022 MARL bought some calendars that Gemma Levine had produced to send to customers and suppliers, and we are now sponsoring the event.

Gemma Levine Invitation

Anyone interesting in attending should contact St George's Hospital Charity directly: https://www.stgeorgeshospitalcharity.org.uk/contact-us
Or purchase a ticket online: https://www.stgeorgeshospitalcharity.org.uk/get-involved/events/special-events/gemma-levine-lrf-fundraiser

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