Light measurement of individual LEDs, indicators and illumination systems is a fundamental core competency of the MARL business. The Company has just completed construction and commenced with fit out of a new optical measurement and evaluation lab, on-site at MARL Business Park, Ulverston.
Image: June 2022 – the new darkroom provides a useable space of approximately 15m x 4m, fitted with white and colour change lighting systems and will be fitted with a new suite of additional test equipment.
Historically, MARL have been involved with optical measurement of LEDs since the early 1980s and the range of in-house equipment has grown over the years, in order to measure visible LEDs, in addition to UV and IR light sources. This started with the ability to measure single point sources devices:
A key piece of production measurement equipment – Spectral /Goniometric analyzer for measurement of individual discrete LEDs, now quite old but still in use
A Digilux 9500 lux meter for measuring LED illuminance
MARL has a range of light meters to cover a host of applications
Demanding applications - MARL have been involved with rail signalling for more than 30 years:
Some of the optical measurement equipment has been semi-customised, in this case for intensity and colour matching to the incandescent light bulbs the MARL LEDs were replacing for a signalling application
An example of partial failure mode optical testing to confirm minimum Illumination levels are maintained
MARL also makes its own test and burn-in and optical performance measurement equipment, which is an integral part of the manufacturing process
A typical burn-in rig for “flat-topped” LEDs at MARL
Over the years, MARL has evolved into design and manufacture of complete electronic lighting systems and has the capability to test in-house large luminaire fittings:
A combination of 2’, 4’ and 5’ luminaires, note some of the units have lenses partially removed for evaluation. A test rig was specially constructed to measure the voltage, current, calculate the power consumption and measure, (lux), the illumination in normal and emergency operation
Other markets: MARL can design and provide solutions with optical testing throughout the development process and specialise in providing suitable indication and illumination for both very high ambient lighting conditions, (for example aerospace applications), and ultra-low levels, even below 1 lux for medical and research applications simulating starlight all the way through to daylight and sunlight.
MARL has the flexibility and agility to adapt to the measurement systems and criteria in specialised industries such as aqua and horticultural
A rest rig with custom designed calibration system for optimising consistency and control at very low performance levels, (<1 lux)
Other service support Includes customised software control systems, which place emphasis on fit for purpose and simplicity for the end user
Relux modelling – one of MARL’s complementary skill sets is the experience and ability to know how to light a space, especially in transport applications and for special environments, such as laboratories:
Relux model of new office layout and proposed lighting scheme at MARL
A dynamic view of the same lighting scheme
This model shows expected uniformity
Because of the specific needs of different markets and associated technical standards, MARL provides data and technical specifications for colour measurements systems such as CRI, TM-30-15 and TLCI. Other in-house equipment includes; FLIR digital thermometer and a wide range of light meters.
For more information, please contact Oliver Brooks, [email protected]
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