In the challenges of an ever-evolving post-Brexit landscape, it was reported last week that the UK government has scrapped the deadline for implementing the UKCA mark.  Standing for “UK Conformity Assessed”, the UKCA marking became law at the end of the Brexit transition period on 31st December 2020, when it was to replace the CE mark – initially with the same scope and procedures but allowing for divergence at a later date.

Recognising the challenge and cost to businesses, the government had originally allowed 1 year (to 1st January 2022) to implement the new marking, later extending the deadline to 31st December 2022 and then to 31st December 2024 as challenges persisted.  Until the deadline, the CE mark would continue to be recognised as a valid alternative.

UKCA question.png

With the deadline scrapped, effectively this allows businesses to use the CE mark indefinitely.

MARL recognises that the situation is always subject to change.  As we supply to UK and EU markets, we have already added the UKCA mark to our manufactured products ahead of the previous deadline, in addition to the existing CE mark. This helps to retain the assurance that our products meet the safety and environmental requirements of both markets, regardless of whether a deadline for it exists or not, now or in the future.  MARL will continue to monitor and adapt to the situation as it develops.

For more information contact [email protected].

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